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Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge-eating: What do they all have in common?

Eating disorders are widely misunderstood illnesses. While this has improved over time as the general public becomes more educated, there are still many misconceptions about eating disorders. This is even more true as you look at the differences between some of the more commonly discussed eating disorder diagnoses: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge-Eating Disorder.

To better understand what these three issues have in common, let's briefly define what each condition is.

  • Anorexia Nervosa is defined primarily as a pattern of restrictive eating that results in significant weight loss.
  • Bulimia Nervosa is a pattern of eating large quantities of food in short periods of time (a binge episode) followed by some kind attempt to remove the food by intentional vomiting (purging).
  • Binge-Eating Disorder is noted for a repetitive cycle of binge-eating patterns without compensating behaviors seen in bulimia.

Looked at from the perspective of just the eating disorder symptom, you may think that each eating disorder is very different, especially when weight is considered.

However, in reality, all eating disorder diagnoses share more similarities than differences. Here are some of the top common characteristics:

  • There is an over-concern with body shape and weight
  • Appearance, and/or a desire for thinness become important priorities in life
  • It can become difficult to perceive one's appearance accurately
  • Eating disorder thoughts take up more and more, and sometimes even all, of the person's mind
  • Food and weight become escapes from emotional pain and become everyday coping behaviors
  • Stomach and intestinal discomfort become more common as eating disorder behaviors harm the body

So while each diagnosis carries with it an emphasis on different eating disorder behaviors, what really ties each behavior to a deeper common thread is suffering. Suffering caused by an obsession with body image, food, and a distancing from one's true self. 

However this suffering manifests in behaviors is relevant, because each symptom requires individual care and a unique approach, but that deeper underlying suffering must be addressed in order for change to truly occur.

At Dovetail Counseling Group, we specialize in treating eating disorders. Call us today for a free no-commitment phone consultation.

Dovetail Counseling Group