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Navigating recovery: 5 unique challenges people with eating disorders face

At Dovetail Counseling Group, we understand that the journey to recovery from an eating disorder is complex and deeply personal. While the path to healing is unique for everyone, there are common challenges that individuals with eating disorders often encounter during their recovery process. Recognizing and addressing these challenges can help you or a loved one navigate recovery more effectively. Here are five unique challenges people with eating disorders may face when getting into recovery:

1. Confronting Deep-Seated Beliefs and Self-Perceptions

Challenge: One of the most significant hurdles in recovery is confronting and reshaping the deep-seated beliefs and self-perceptions that fuel eating disorder behaviors. These beliefs often involve distorted views of one’s body, self-worth, and a sense of control.

Why It’s Challenging: To put it simply, it is hard to believe something else when what you originally believed is still true to you! Nobody changes their mind without having their beliefs challenged over time. By talking about what you think, and why you think it, you can slowly chip away at the maladaptive beliefs holding you back.

2. Managing Emotional Fluctuations

Challenge: Recovery often brings intense emotional fluctuations, including anxiety, depression, and mood swings. These emotions can arise as you confront the psychological aspects of the eating disorder and adjust to new behaviors and routines.

Why It’s Challenging: Emotional regulation can be difficult when the eating disorder has been used as a coping mechanism for managing emotions. Learning new, healthy ways to handle feelings can be overwhelming. However, it is possible to change reactions to a given emotion, regardless of how long it’s been engrained. With repeated efforts, utilizing new coping skills actually feels better than using the eating disorder behavior.

3. Facing Social and Environmental Triggers

Challenge: Social settings and environmental triggers, such as exposure to diet culture, societal pressures, or specific foods, can pose significant challenges during recovery. These triggers can provoke old habits or exacerbate feelings of insecurity.

Why It’s Challenging: The presence of triggers can create a constant struggle to maintain recovery, as they may evoke strong emotional responses or temptations. Temptation, however, doesn’t have to mean ‘inevitable’! People in recovery find healthy ways to resist these pressures with therapeutic strategies such as distraction, internal dialoguing, and caring social support.

4. Rebuilding Relationships and Social Dynamics

Challenge: Recovering from an eating disorder often involves rebuilding relationships and navigating changes in social dynamics. Relationships may have been strained or altered by the eating disorder, and adjusting to new ways of interacting can be challenging.

Why It’s Challenging: Trust and communication issues may arise as you work to reestablish connections and communicate your needs and boundaries effectively. This is why family therapy, or involving any other important people in your therapy process, can be so important. The trained therapists at Dovetail Counseling Group are capable of working with you, and with your permission, your loved ones to help you through this process.

5. Developing a New Relationship with Food and Body

Challenge: Creating a healthy and balanced relationship with food and your body is a fundamental aspect of recovery. This includes learning to eat intuitively, dealing with new hunger and fullness cues, and accepting body changes.

Why It’s Challenging: For many, the eating disorder has defined their relationship with food and body image. Shifting to a more balanced and positive relationship requires re-learning and adjusting long-held behaviors and attitudes. Even more important than the basics of food and eating, people in recovery also need to reconnect with their true and deeper self: the part of them that people know them for. Eating disorders often create a kind of mental block on the sufferer’s sense of identity, and getting people back in touch with that sense is a huge part of overcoming food and body issues.


The path to recovery from an eating disorder is marked by a range of unique challenges, but each obstacle presents an opportunity for growth and healing. At Dovetail Counseling Group, we are dedicated to supporting you through these challenges with compassionate care and sound advice. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional support.

Contact us today to learn more about how our counseling services can assist you or a loved one on the journey to recovery.


Dovetail Counseling Group